Biomedical and Legal Metrology Department
Biomedical equipment technician/technologist (BMET) is front-line practitioners dedicated to the daily maintenance and repair of medical equipment in hospitals, meeting a specified minimum level of expertise.
Biomedical equipment technician training (BMETT) program have been established in 2006 GC at Addis Ababa Tegbare-id polytechnic college with collaboration with Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH). Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polytechnic College (AATPTC) played a key role in founding the education of biomedical equipment technicians starting from scratch since there was no faculty for biomedical training in the country by developing a new curriculum, set upping the required facilities, acquire (collecting) equipment which are mandatory to start the program and coordinating trainers from the electronic department of AATPTC and inviting other scholars from other sectors.
• To bring better health care service in Ethiopia through producing well qualified biomedical technicians to maintain medical equipment and management system.
• Offer training on level 5 different fields
• To provide hands on training with good understanding of biomedical equipment principles, application and maintenance procedure
• To preserve and promote biomedical technicians on maintenance on medical equipment
• Integrate GMF, industry training with the actuThe mission of the Biomedical and Legal Meteorology department depend on the market demand produce well competent technician who are maintain medical equipment and verify the all measurement through pre-service and in service economic practice of the country
• To be come the center of excellence in Biomedical training
• To provide how to troubleshoot all the medical equipment
• To verify all the measurement from Legal metrology aspects
Objectives of Legal Metrology
• To promote fair trade, industrialisation and to protect public health and safety and the environment
• To provide for the implementation of a regulatory and compliance system for legal metrology for the administration and maintenance of legal metrology technical regulation
• To provide for market surveillance in order to ensure compliance with legal metrology technical regulation
Courses Offered
Basic electrical electronics serving Level – I
At this level the trainees receive basic electrical electronics concept, how to test and repair electrical electronics component, ways to terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronics, how to design and troubleshooting AC/DC Power supply with single-phase input and use hand tools and test instruments.
Simple biomedical equipment servicing level – II
At this level the trainees receive competencies including Demonstrate Human Anatomy and Physiology, Maintain and Repair Basic Electrical Machines and Drives, Maintain and Repair Biomedical Equipment Instrumentation System, Maintain and Repair Simple Biomedical Equipment, Install Simple Biomedical Equipment, Interpret Biomedical Signals and Dismantle and Dispose Simple Biomedical Equipment.
Some of the simple biomedical equipment considered under the OS for this level are:
• centrifuges
• microscope
• oxygen concentrate
• suction machine
• OR light and OR table etc
Intermediate biomedical equipment servicing – III
Level IV: Advanced biomedical equipment servicing Competencies in this level include Maintain and Repair Biomedical Equipment Control Systems, Maintain and Repair Intermediate Biomedical Equipment Provide Technical Support in Equipment Acquisition, Install Intermediate Biomedical Equipment and Commission Biomedical Equipment
Some of the Intermediate biomedical equipment considered under the OS for this level are: • Anesthesia machine
• Mechanical ventilator
• Defibrillator Patient monitor etc
Level IV: Advanced biomedical equipment servicing Level – IV
Competencies in this level include Manage Biomedical Equipment, Find and Repair Faults in Measuring and Analysis Systems, Maintain and Repair Advanced biomedical equipment, Install Advanced Biomedical Equipment, Configure and calibrate biomedical equipment, Train biomedical equipment end users and Perform Technical Consultation
Some of the advanced biomedical equipment considered under the OS for this level are:
• X-ray
• CBC machine
• CT scan
• Ultrasound machine etc
1. Vehicle power train and under chassis overhauling
2. Vehicle painting
3. Vehicle engine overhauling
4. Electrical and Electronics work
5. Vehicle body repairing
Legal Metrology Department
Legal Metrology is the entirety of the legislative, administrative and technical procedures established by the reference to public authorities, and implemented on their behalf in order to specify and to ensure, in a regulatory or contractual manner, the appropriate quality and credibility of measurements related to official controls, trade, health, safety and the environment.
• To promote fair trade, industrialisation and to protect public health and safety and the environment
• To provide for the implementation of a regulatory and compliance system for legal metrology for the administration and maintenance of legal metrology technical regulation
• To provide for market surveillance in order to ensure compliance with legal metrology technical regulation.
Major Course covered by Legal metrology
• Verification of measuring instrument
• Calibration of measuring instrument
• Maintenance of measuring instrument
• Prepacked
• Pattern approval
Specific course title
• Non automatic weighting instrument
• Clinical meter
• Automatic weighing instruments
• Dimensional measuring instruments
• Water meters
• Gas meters and volume conversion devices
• Active electrical energy meters
• Heat meters
• Measuring systems for liquids other than water
• Exhaust gas analysers