Message from Mr. Girum Girma

A very warm well come to Addis Ababa Tegbareid’s official website. It is a privilege to lead such a grand institution of paramount significance in the history of Tvet in our nation. Tegbareid polytechnic college is the pioneer public technical school established in 1942 g.c. Though, the college has started operation with a very few, now the number of occupations have been brought to more than 30. Among all, biomedical technology is the one which is given nowhere in other tvet colleges, but only here. We are diligently working on it to make it hub of medical equipment maintenance center in the capital.

As trainees are vital part of the college’s being, enrolling an average of 10,000 in both regular and short term per annum remained common. Where nearly 1500 of them graduates and integrated into the labor market every year. Since its establishment, the college has successfully delivered hundreds of thousands of graduates to the market competently. Many of them are now company owners, high level technicians and perhaps prominent political leaders, while serving locally and working overseas. In the course of 80 years of magnificent service, we take pride in our contributions to the socio-economic betterment and the commitment of our faculty to excellence in training, technology transfer and industry extension service so far.

The strategic alliance we formed with industries and higher education institutions is evidence to our need of mutual growth for a common goal attainment. We strongly believe, this has to be widened in a very much enhanced approach with international partners also. Our ambitious strategic plan has manifested clearly where we dream to be by the upcoming decade. Making the college partly self reliant in terms of budget by introducing numerous mechanisms into the system, advancing the college to technical university, becoming center for complex technologies fabrication and prolific entrepreneurs are among many. Moreover, the college sets a vision to be digitalized premier provider of competitive workforce by 2030. With these all, the college aspires to be sector’s beacon at national level. In this perspective, I personally believe in the significance of and passionately encourage any interested partners to work collaboratively for common institutional development.

Girum Girma

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