Welcome to AATPTC

Addis Ababa Tegbareid Polytechnic college, established in 1942 G.C with the assistance of the Italian Government known as” Gonderan during that time “, it was the first pioneer “Technical School of the country “which provides necessary technicians and technical supervisors for different sectors such as Ethiopian airlines, electric and power authority, telecommunication, manufacturing industries agricultural industries in nationwide.

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Lessons that sparks Creativity

Also known as a technical school, it combines the in-depth study found at our college with practical, technology-based skills training.

Theory Class

A theoretical study or explanation is based on or uses the ideas and abstract principles that relate to a particular subject, rather than the practical aspects or uses of it.

Lab Class

Laboratory classes provide students with first-hand experience with course concepts and with the opportunity to explore methods used by scientists in their discipline. Leading a laboratory session has particular challenges and opportunities that differ from those in a standard classroom environment.

Cooperative Training

As a work-integrated learning experience, cooperative training offers a structured program that combines classroom-based and work-based learning. It involves cooperation between vocational training institutes and partnering enterprises

Regular and Extension TVET Programs

Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polytechnic College

News and Events

Recent News and Upcoming Events

21 Oct

ከተለያዩ የአፍሪካ ሀገሮች የመጡ የ GIZ country ዳይሬክተሮች በአዲስአበባ  ተግባረእድ ፖሊ ቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ ልምድ ልውውጥ እና ጉብኝት አደርጉ ። GIZ country directors from different African countries exchanged experience and visited Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polytechnic College.

ተግባረእድ ሚዲያ የኮሌጃችን ዋና ዲን አቶ ግሩም ግርማ አዲስ አበባ ተግባረእድ  ፖሊ ቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ ከከተማ አስተዳደሩ የተሰጠውን ተልዕኮ መሠርት በማድርግ  በዉጤት የሚገለፁ ዘርፈ ብዙ ተግባራትን እያከናወነ የሚገኝ አንጋፋ ኮሌጅ ነው ብለዋል ። የISO 9001:2015  የጥራት አመራር ስርዓት ለመተግበረ  ከታህሳስ 2016 …

21 Oct

አንጋፋው የአዲስ አበባ ተግባረ ዕድ ፖሊ ቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ በዛሬው ዕለት 1150 ሰልጣኞችን አስመረቀ:: The elite Polytechnic College, Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polytechnic College, graduated 1150 trainees today.

እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ ተግባረ ዕድ ሚዲያ 2016 አንጋፋው የአዲስ አበባ ተግባረ ዕድ ፖሊ ቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ በዛሬው ዕለት 1150 ሰልጣኞችን አስመረቀ:: በመደበኛ መርሐግብር ከደረጃ 2-5 በ10 የስልጠና ዘርፍች የሰለጠኑ ተማሪዎችን በዛሬው ዕለት አስመርቋል:: የዛሬው ተመራቂዎቻችን የኮሌጁን የምዘና ፈተና በሚገባ ማጠናቀቃቸው ልዩ …